Sick Student

Children may not return to Teachable Moments Preschool until they have been symptom-free for 24 hours, unless accompanied by a physician’s note stating that the illness is NOT contagious.

When a physician’s note is required, please have the physician include the following:

  1. When it is appropriate for the child to return to school;

  2. That the child is NOT contagious; and

  3. That the child is well enough to return to a group setting


Sick Student:



Communicable Diseases

This list of common communicable diseases that are found in early childcare centers is not exclusive. There might be others that are not currently listed.

  • CHICKEN POX - Fever and/or sore throat

  • CORONAVIRUS - Fever, sore throat, cough, fatigue, headache, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea

  • DIARRHEA - Abnormally loose or frequent stools, vomiting, and/or fever.

  • HEAD LICE - Sever itching; small lice eggs. Bumpy rash on nape of neck, behind ears, and/or crown of head may appear after persistent infestation.

  • HEPATITIS A - Upset stomach, tired, dark-colored urine, light-colored stool, yellowish skin and eyes, fever, abdominal pain, and/or diarrhea.

  • IMPETIGO - Blisters, crusts, scabs on the skin which are flat and yellow, and/or may be weeping.

  • INFLUENZA - Fever, body aches and chills, headache, sore throat, and/or cough.

  • MEASLES - Fever, red eyes, cough, spots on tongue, and/or mouth.

  • MENINGITIS - Fever, headache, vomiting, chills, neck pain or stiffness, and/or muscle spasms.

  • NOROVIRUS - Watery diarrhea and/or vomiting.

  • PINKEYE - Tearing, swollen eyelids, redness of eyes, and/or discharge from eyes.

  • RINGWORM - Red scaling, itchy, circular lesions, and/or broken hairs from skin.

  • ROSELLA - High, sudden fever, runny nose, irritability, followed by a rash.

  • RSV - (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) Fever, runny nose, cough, and/or sometimes wheezing.

  • RUBELLA - Low-grade fever, headache, mild redness of eyes, and/or fine rash.

  • SCABIES - Mite burrows under the skin. Red, itchy rash that tends to be in lines or burrows, usually on wrists, elbow creases and/or between fingers.

  • STREP THROAT - Red, painful throat, and/or fever. May develop a rash (Scarlet Fever).


Virginia Licensing Standards for Child-Day Centers (VDOE) state that any child exhibiting the above-mentioned illnesses shall not be admitted to the enrolled school. Children who develop these symptoms at Teachable Moments Preschool will be sent home. Information will be posted to notify other parents and families of exposure to communicable diseases. All personal information, including name, of the infected child or staff member shall be kept confidential. Teachable Moments Preschool, LLC reserves the right to refuse care to any child untreated by a physician for debatable symptoms, and/or child is not well enough to participate in school activities.