Sydney’s Sanctuary

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) accounts for approximately 3,400 deaths including accidental suffocation or strangulation. Most of these deaths occur while babies are sleeping, which is why these deaths are labeled “sleep-related deaths.”

Unfortunately, I have witnessed this type of death involving an infant earlier in my career and one incident that will never be forgotten not only as a firefighter, but as a parent.

So what does that have to do with land being cleared?

In partnership between both Teachable Moments Preschool and the Stay Teachable Foundation, we are launching Sydney’s Sanctuary, set to open in the Fall of 2024. This is to honor Sydney, the brave little, 3-month old soul that I did not get an opportunity to see smile and engage in play. In present time, she would be 17 years old.

Sydney’s Sanctuary is a natural playground that is housed on a .25 acre lot directly behind Teachable Moments Preschool. This nature-based escape would serve as both a playground with natural shade from large oak trees and as a garden that grows real fruits and vegetables that not only the school can indulge in, but families will be able to take home once established.

From the beginning our mission has been to invest in families and community through education, enrichment, and engagement. I believe we are able to continue good work through Sydney’s Sanctuary, which we are dedicating to her. I believe she would be proud of our achievements thus far.

As Teachable Moments Preschool prepares to open our doors to an amazing group of children, families, and staff, I am constantly reminded how precious and fragile life can be. And I’m personally excited to be able to do my part in this larger community to protect life.

To learn more about my relationship with Sydney, please check out the attached video.

More details are to come, so stay tuned.

Anthony Andrews

Nearly 20 years in both the Health & Safety and Early Childhood Education have equipped Anthony with the knowledge, skills and abilities to be an effective leader.